Ground penetrating radar-a sensor for mine detection

In the mid-1980s the author led the Falkland Island research project into ground-probing radar for mine detection. The project was the first major demonstration of the use of digital signal processing to analyse ground-probing radar data. Since the first effective demonstration of plastic mine detection, using research standard equipment in the Falkland Islands project, the development of ground-probing radar technology and systems has advanced significantly. The objective of this paper is to illustrate that development, and indicate how it can be re-directed to the realisation of effective mine detection equipment. Three systems developed by EMRAD are discussed: the man portable real-time Concept Demonstrator Mine Detection System, built at the time of the Gulf War; Pipe Hawk, EMRAD's universal pipe and cable detection system, designed as a street machine to be operated by utility company personnel; and a Multi-Channel radar capability mainly used for highway inspection, but which demonstrates an area search capability. The main features of these systems are described, and their deployment for mine detection discussed.