An enhanced design methodology for minimizing the error in on-line Kalman filter-based aircraft engine performance estimation applications is presented in this paper. It specifically addresses the under-determined estimation problem, in which there are more unknown parameters than available sensor measurements. This work builds upon an existing technique for systematically selecting a model tuning parameter vector of appropriate dimension to enable estimation by a Kalman filter, while minimizing the estimation error in the parameters of interest. While the existing technique was optimized for open-loop engine operation at a fixed design point, in this paper an alternative formulation is presented that enables the technique to be optimized for an engine operating under closed-loop control throughout the flight envelope. The theoretical Kalman filter mean squared estimation error at a steady-state closed-loop operating point is derived, and the tuner selection approach applied to minimize this error is discussed. A technique for constructing a globally optimal tuning parameter vector, which enables full-envelope application of the technology, is also presented, along with design steps for adjusting the dynamic response of the Kalman filter state estimates. Results from the application of the technique to linear and nonlinear aircraft engine simulations are presented and compared to the conventional approach of tuner selection. The new methodology is shown to yield a significant improvement in on-line Kalman filter estimation accuracy.
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Linear Optimal Control Systems
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Estimating in-flight engine performance variations using Kalman filter concepts
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G. P. Sallee.
Performance deterioration based on existing (historical) data; JT9D jet engine diagnostics program
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Sensor biases effect on the estimation algorithm for performance-seeking controllers
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Optimal Tuner Selection for Kalman Filter-Based Aircraft Engine Performance Estimation
Aditya Kumar,et al.
Model-Based Fault Tolerant Control
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An Optimal Orthogonal Decomposition Method for Kalman Filter-Based Turbofan Engine Thrust Estimation
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A Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation of a Large Commercial Aircraft Engine
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Optimal State Estimation: Kalman, H∞, and Nonlinear Approaches