협력통신 시스템에서 입자 군집 최적화를 이용한 협력 중계기 선택 및 전송 기법
In a cooperative wireless communication system, PA (Power Allocation) and RS (Relay Selection) are important issues for improving performance of the system. In Particular, RS is an effective way to improve transmission performance by selecting the optimal relay. Some papers analyze full CSI (Channel State Information) for obtaining optimal relay selection. However, this makes the system increasingly complex and presents a practical problem. Thus, there is a need for partial CSI to reduce the complexity. The PSO algorithm maintains a swarm of particles, where each particle represents a potential solution. Therefore, we proposed a novel scheme for relay selection in relay-based cooperative wireless communications based on partial CSI and PSO algorithms to solve the optimization problem with reduced system complexity as well as optimized performance.