Summaries of recent computer-assisted Feynam diagram calculations
The AIHENP Workshop series has traditionally included cutting edge work on automated computation of Feynman diagrams. The conveners of the Symbolic Problem Solving topic in this ACAT conference felt it would be useful to solicit presentations of brief summaries of the interesting recent calculations. Since this conference was the first in the series to be held in the Western Hemisphere, it was decided that the summaries would be solicited both from attendees and from researchers who could not attend the conference. This would represent a sampling of many of the key calculations being performed. The results were presented at the Poster session; contributions from ten researchers were displayed and posted on the web. Although the poster presentation, which can be viewed at placed equal emphasis on results presented at the conference and other contributions, here we primarily discuss the latter, which do not appear in full form in these proceedings. This brief paper can't do full justice to each contribution; interested readers can find details of the work not presented at this conference in references (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7).