Development of an extended thermo-hydraulic simulation tool for fusion magnet design study - Application to the initial versions of JT-60SA TF coils layout

Abstract In the framework of the EU participation to JT-60SA project [1] , a dedicated simulation tool named after Thermo-hydraulic EXtended Tool (TEXTO) was developed at CEA between 2006 and 2007 in order to address in a reliable way the calculation of the magnet conductor temperature increase and temperature margins in different operating conditions. The simulation process is based on three different codes, addressing each specific aspects (MCNP for the 3D nuclear heat calculation, TRAPS for magnetic field, ANSYS for 2D transverse thermal contribution of coil casing), which finally stand as input for the well established code GANDALF (with transient helium properties). Both steady-state operating and disruption transient regimes can be studied with this process and a first application is performed on the basis of the design and operating conditions available at this time on JT-60SA TF magnets, i.e. the first version of the different design stages. The complete analysis is shown together with the associated proposals for the TF conductor layout that could be derived from these studies.