The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa

THE series of Colonial floras issued from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, are highly technical works of great value to the systematic botanist and to the trained worker in the countries in question. But there is much information of economic and human interest which lack of precise information and consideration of space has perforce to be omitted. Dr. Dalziel's volume is an attempt to fill this gap in our knowledge of the West African flora as a supplement to the "Flora of West Tropical Africa"recently completed by Dr. Hutchinson and himself.The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa Dr. J. M. Dalziel. Being an Appendix to the "Flora of West Tropical Africa" by J. Hutchinson and J. M. Dalziel. (Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for the Colonies.) Pp. xii+612. (London: The Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1937.) 18s.