Fractional Sliding Mode Control of a DC-DC Buck Converter with Application to DC Motor Drives

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to show an alternative wayfor the control of Buck converters applying FractionalOrder Control (FOC). For achieving this goal, the pro-posed method uses the fractional calculus in the deter-mination of the switching surface in order to apply aFractional Sliding Mode Control (F R SMC) scheme tothe control of such devices. In that sense, switchingsurfaces based on fractional order PID and PI struc-tures are de¯ned. An experimental system has beendeveloped and the experimental and simulation resultscon¯rms the validity of the proposed control strategy. 1 Introduction Motor drives | especially servodrives | are themost commonly used robotic actuators and in electricvehicles. In these drives, where the speed and posi-tion must be controlled, a power electronic converterisneeded asan interfacebetween the input power andthe motor. A general block diagram for the controlofamotor driveis shown in Fig. 1. Inservoapplicationsof motor drives, the response time and the accuracywith which the motor follows the speed and positioncommands are very important [1].