선박용 유압윈치용 레귤레이터의 설계 파라미터 변화에 따른 밸브 거동 특성 연구
Maritime deck machinery relies heavily on the importation of components produced by overseas companies. Our research defines design parameters for hydraulic winch regulators used in maritime deck machinery. Using Amesim, we were able to conduct 1D modeling, and utilizing CFS then enabled us to create 3D models. These models were analyzed in our research for changes in pressure on each port that resulted from the regulator’s spring constant and changes in the primary tension-compression field. Our research then analyzed alterations in traits caused by changes in the length of overlap between the spool and sleeve. Last but not least, our research analyzed the trait alteration resulting from changing the interval between the spool and sleeve. We believe the results of our research can be used to design a hydraulic winch regulator used in maritime deck machinery that does not require importation.