The Estimation Method of Empirical Formula of Strength Parameters by RMR System and Uniaxial Strength
It is crucial to decide reasonably the parameters necessary for design through research on the characteristics of rock in order to analyze stability of rock structure. This article has conducted both pressure meter test, uniaxial and triaxial compression test to the areas of andesite or tuff located in local regions such as Yeosu, Gwangju, Yangsan, Busan, and Daejeon and has comparatively analyzed previously proposed estimative formulas. According to the result of estimating the deformation modulus through using the damping coefficient suggested by Nicholson & Bieniawski, when RMR is less than 60, it is desirable to use the result of the pressure meter test considering the damping coefficient. If the RMR value is over 60, however, the formula suggested by Kim Gyo-won has been proved to be the most applicable. Moreover, according to the result of comparing the RMR, adhesion, and angle of internal friction, both the adhesion and angle of internal friction best correspond to the formula proposed by Tsuchiya. Comparatively analyzing the relations between the rock deformation modulus and RMR and also suggesting the formula of calculating the shear strength parameter to use the RMR value, this study did not include the deformation modulus and shear strength parameter as factors to decide the RMR index. Since result can differ by several factors, it will be necessary afterwards to suggest practical estimative formulas applicable to the actual spots of Korea.