A novel Approach to Teaching an Undergraduate Electromagnetics, Antennas and Propagation Course

The undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculums are increasingly becoming more and more crowded with a wide range of necessary topics so the graduates are fully prepared to practice their profession upon graduation.  In today’s world of wireless communication and high speed digital systems, it is important that both the electrical and computer engineer have a good working knowledge of electromagnetic systems.  At the same time, most programs are facing tremendous pressure to reduce the number of credit hours so students can graduate in a timely manner.  The dilemma then becomes which courses do we eliminate from the curriculum or how can what is being offered be delivered more efficiently.  This paper will focus on how electromagnetic (EM) theory, antennas and propagation topics are being delivered in a more efficient yet effective manner to undergraduate students. The first issue that needs to be resolved is why should electromagnetic topics continue to be a part of the electrical and computer engineering curriculums in the first place?   Most electrical or computer engineering programs focus on software, digital design, signal processing, or coding and have scaled back the traditional areas of circuits, electronics, and EM topics.  There may simply not be enough room in the curriculum for a required EM courses that include the traditional topics as well as antennas and propagation.  Furthermore, the traditional infrastructure such as RF test ranges, anechoic chambers, and RF instrumentation necessary for a worthwhile coverage of EM topics is a major investment, particularly if these schools are they do not have EM research programs.  On the other hand, in today’s world of wireless systems, high speed digital systems, analog VLSI, as well as the regulatory and legal issues of electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC, EMI), there is a good case for EM topics still being a part of the undergraduate curriculum.  Many times, the most challenging problems facing the designer are EM issues and not the software.  EM and RF is an integral part of most electronic systems. This paper will present an innovative approach to teaching EM, antennas and propagation that is being developed for the EE program at the United States Coast Guard Academy.  The main points are as follows:  (a) coverage starts with transmission lines to quickly dispel the notion that ordinary circuit theory can adequately explain the behavior of distributed parameter systems,  (b) the operation of the half-wave dipole to illustrate how an accelerating electron causes a radiated EM field with the content reinforced by a demo, (c) the lecture material is augmented by eight (8) labs, (d) increased emphasis on how EM theory can be used to solve modern electrical engineering problems such as multipath interference, EMC/EMI, wave travel through lossy media, and (e) commonly used applications such as charging stations, and dish antennas.   Much of the traditional mathematical content of the course is retained but the focus is on understanding the idea behind Maxwell’s equations using applications confronting the engineer such as how does one communicate with a submarine that is 20 meters under salt water, or why is a Yagi directional or why isn’t polarization critical for short wave broadcasts versus FM broadcasts? This presentation will also discuss the lab projects, which include:  (a) the design, simulation, and construction of various antennas, and then measure their radiation pattern in an open field using a portable spectrum analyzer, (b) how the directional antennas are then used to locate a hidden beacon, (c) an EMC/EMI experiment whereby a 20 MHz interference is superimposed on a coaxial line carrying a 1 kHz square wave and then show how ferrite core configuration, similar to what is used in lap- top battery chargers or monitor cables, will significantly reduce the level of 20 MHz interference, (d) construction of various RF circuits to show the effects of parasitic capacitance/inductance,  and (e) time domain reflectometry to measure line losses and detect faults. Informal student feedback suggest that this approach enhances student learning of fundamental concepts of EM, antennas and propagation.  More formal assessment of this approach is ongoing.