Competition in the software market for industrial use is very challenging.Quality and productivity of software is very important to the software industry to remain competitive.Most of the commercial and industrial web applications are complex, hard to implement, risky to maintain and customization requires deep understanding of the requirements.Research showed that customization and reusability may increase the productivity and quality of the software and also decrease the development time.Unfortunately, implementing systematic reuse and customize existing system has proven to be a difficult process.While software engineers continue to struggle with cost and time, reuse has emerged as a good engineering principles and practice in various fields.However, technology to completely integrate user interface, reuse design, customization and implementation is still immature.The aim of this study is to provide a novel visual object sharing technique for designing, customizing, reusing and visualizing web elements to provide a breakthrough solution for the given problems. This technique support and provide rapid development of web-based business application where all of these underlying data and application codes are defined by meta-data, tag library and XSLT schema.This study contributes mainly in the field of reusability and customization for the web application.This study also demonstrated empirical data from two commercial projects and the results indicated that proposed object-oriented application framework (OOAF) is consistently better than traditional methods.By using OOAF, software industries are able to reduce development time, increase the quality and productivity of web application..
Olaf David,et al.
A software engineering perspective on environmental modeling framework design: The Object Modeling System
Environ. Model. Softw..
William B. Frakes,et al.
Software reuse research: status and future
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
Yi Chen,et al.
A framework for developing design models with analysis and design patterns
IRI -2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, Conf, 2005..
Hardeep Singh,et al.
Certification process of software components
Kung-Kiu Lau,et al.
Software Component Models
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.