Extra‐cellular matrix in vascular networks

Abstract.  The vascular network is a series of linked conduits of blood vessels composed of the endothelium, a monolayer of cells that adorn the vessel lumen and surrounding layer(s) of mesenchymal cells (vascular smooth muscle, pericytes and fibroblasts). In addition to providing structural support, the mesenchymal cells are essential for vessel contractility. The extracellular matrix is a major constituent of blood vessels and provides a framework in which these various cell types are attached and embedded. The composition and organization of vascular extracellular matrix is primarily controlled by the mesenchymal cells, and is also responsible for the mechanical properties of the vessel wall, forming complex networks of structural proteins which are highly regulated. The extracellular matrix also plays a central role in cellular adhesion, differentiation and proliferation. This review examines the cellular and extracellular matrix components of vessels, with specific emphasis on the regulation of collagen type I and implications in vascular disease.

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