Effect of glaciers change to water balance of Lake Bosten under climatic backgrounds

According to the water-baiance analysis carried out in Lake Bosten,discharge of Kaidu River tributary accounts for 85% of the lake(?) inflow,and thus plays a crucial role in the fluctuation of its water-level.Glaciers,as an important component of the water resources in the upper reach of Kaidu River valley,has had a considerable effect upon by the global and regional climate change of recent years.Water melted away from glaciers has chan- neled into the downstream section of the river and exceeds the base flow to have entered the Kaidu River over the past twenty years,during which time the lake keep a high inflow level.Small-sized glaciers are more sensitive to temperature rising.With the gradual diminishing and eventual disappearance of these small and middle scale glac- iers situated in a fairly low-altitude location,the ELA(snow-line) will rise and the icecap will become thin.The volume and distribution area of the glacier will decrease,which will make the glacier less sensitive to climate change (in other words,preventing the glacier from melting to such a degree),and bring less glacier-melt water discharge.As a result,the water-supply from melting glaciers that will flow into Lake Bosten will lessen.