This paper describes the development of a computer (MADYMO) model that simulates a vehicle with an occupant crashing into a Pipefence Barrier System (PBS). The objectives were firstly to see if a multi-body program could be generated to simulate such a crash and secondly to assess the safety performance of the PBS. The PBS model generated was calibrated against two crash tests. The barrier's dynamic and permanent deflection were closely replicated. Three proposed crash scenarios typically encountered in an urban environment in Victoria were then simulated to assess the barrier's deflection and vehicle's exit angle. Simulations indicate the Pipefence system can offer excellent protection in redirecting an errant vehicle with minimum risk of occupant injuries. However, deflections were moderate at around 0.85 metres for a large family car (1700 kg) at an impact speed of 70 km/h and impact angle of 20 degrees. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see IRRD abstract no. E202589.