China in transition : issues and policies

Acknowledgements Introduction D.C.B.Teacher & H.S.Yee PART I: POLITICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES New Intellectual Currents in the People's Republic of China W.Meissner Grassroots Political Participation in Rural China H.S.Yee & Wang J. Public Maladministration and Bureaucratic Corruption S.S.H.Lo Legal Reform in the Quest for a Market Economy Carlos W.H.Lo PART II: FOREIGN POLICY ISSUES Sino-American Relations in the Post-Cold War Era Ting W. Sovereignty Disputes across the Taiwan Straits Chen Y.H. PART III: ECONOMIC ISSUES China's Regional Development Issues Li Si M. Rural Industrialization and International Trade Zhang X. The Challenge of Sustainable Development K.K.Wong PART IV: SOCIAL ISSUES The Political Economy of Anti-Poverty in Socialist China L.T.Chuen The Evolution of Family Planning Policies Siu Y.M. List of Tables and Figures