Interactive 3D visualiation and geospatial data depiction

As the use of 3D technologies in such areas as crisis management, virtual geo-collaboration, aviation, and traffic is growing, the more often the aspects of 3D data depiction are discussed within human factors. Especially in the field of nuclear industry and air traffic control, where the human error truly is the essential issue for the general safety, the researchers evaluate appropriate design of 3D artificial environments. Virtual environments are generally represented by interactive 3D geographical visualizations and are designed to offer adequate amount of information about the situation. The interactivity of the 3D interfaces with the focus on decision-making is even more emphasized in current research. The types of 3D visualization differ in many ways and it is necessary to explore their aspects from more than one point of view. Our study is focusing on the differences among traditional 2D, pseudo 3D, and stereoscopic Real 3D visualizations and its influence on users behavior. Preliminary results disclosed certain differences in effectiveness of use and revealed that an immersive nature of Real 3D visualization and increased mental elaboration of depicted information can enhance evaluation of appropriate accessible proximal cues in virtual environment and prevent error making.