forEfficientEnergy Consumption inthePEGASIS

Thewireless sensor network isatypeofthewireless ad-hoc networks. Itiscomposed ofacollection ofsensor nodes. Sensor nodescollect anddeliver necessary datainresponse to user's specific requests. Itisexpected toapply thewireless sensor networktechnology tovarious application areassuchasthe health, military and home.However,becauseofseveral limitations ofsensor nodes, therouting protocols using inthe wireless ad-hoc network arenotsuitable forthewireless sensor networks. Forthisreasons, therearemanynovelrouting protocols forthewireless sensor networks isproposed recently. One of theseprotocols, thePEGASIS (Power-Efficient GAthering inSensorInformation Systems) protocol isa chain-based protocol. Ingeneral, thePEGASISprotocol presents twiceormoreperformance incomparison withtheLEACH (LowEnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol. However, thePEGASISprotocol causes theredundant datatransmission since oneofnodesonthechainisselected astheheadnode regardless ofthebasestation's location. Inthispaper, we proposetheenhancedPEGASISprotocol basedon the concentric clustering schemetosolve thisproblem. Themain ideaoftheconcentric clustering schemeistoconsider the location ofthebasestation toenhance itsperformance andto prolongthelifetime ofthewireless sensornetworks. As simulation results, theenhanced PEGASISprotocol using the concentric clustering schemeperforms better thanthecurrent PEGASISprotocol byabout35%.

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