CoMiG: a Color Mix Game as a Learning Media for Color Mixing Theory

The knowledge of color mixing concepts is beneficial concepts for the needs of everyday life. Mainly it will significantly help in the field of visual graphic art, such as products design, painting, or even creating videos. This paper proposes an Android-based game that introduces the theory of color mixing as an educational tool appeals to all ages. This research was conducted by applying ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) method. Fisher-Yates algorithm to randomize the spawn of enemy objects was applied. Also, the proposed game introduces knowledge about the concept of Brewster Theory, which classifies color in four groups. They are primary, secondary, tertiary, and neutral colors. The goal of the game is that players are required to get the highest score. According to the questionnaire result of 13 respondents, 58.3% stated that the game was easy to use, 61.5% said that it was easy to play, 84% reported that the game is interesting for learning, and 100% agreed that the game improves their knowledge of color mixing theory. We believe that the game promotes a useful and interesting learning media of color mixing theory.