Structure and stability of hexacoordinated sila dianions

ion of hydrogen atoms from molecules by ground state fluorine (2P) atoms is a general method for production of free radicals. 1-4 When methoxy radicals are prepared by this method, hydroxymethyl radicals (CH20H) are produced in a competing reaction channel.415 F(2P) + CHPH products (I) F(2P) + CH 30H HF + CH 30 t:.H = -32 ± I kcaljmoJl 6•18 (Ia) F(2P) + CHPH -+ HF + CH20H t:.H = -41 ± 3 kcaljmoJI 7 (I b) No other product channels of the reaction have been observed in mass spectrometric studies.9•12•15 It is. therefore unlikely that any products other than CH30, CH20H, and HF are formed in primary processes at room temperature. Assuming this to be true, the fractional yields of each product channel, for the case of CHpH, are defined by 'Experimental work done at Naval Research Laboratory. l Permanent address: Catholic University. (2a)