오리피스 유량계의 유량헌팅 원인과 특성에 관한 해석적 연구

Generally, the flow hunting is observed in almost all of the orifice meters but the intensity of the flow hunting is different at each metering system. So, we are getting the questions as follows; why such a difference occurs and whether it influence to metering error rate or not. To investigate the flow hunting characteristics, we are trying to examine the flow characteristics around the orifice meter when the transient flow or pressure is generated at after the PCV(Pressure Control Valve) by 3D CFD method. And we have compared numerical results with experimental results at M - PCV station in order to clarify the relations with both the metering-pipeline diameter and flow rate. Finally, we can show some major factors influencing to the flow hunting and propose some correcting scheme of the flow hunting equation.