Edouard Poty: a bio- and bibliography

‘Generalist’ is a qualifying word that best describes Edouard – ‘Eddy’ – Poty in term of knowledge. He is not just a well-known palaeontologist. Passionate in all branches of geology, he developed an exceptional background and became one of the very few feeling comfortable out of his area of expertise and capable of seeing the bridges connecting field observations. His research and publications do not necessarily reflect his wide knowledge but those who have or have had the chance to work with him know that Eddy is a living encyclopedia. Moreover, his interest largely crosses over the borders of geology and he can with erudition discuss archaeology, history, architecture, volcanoes, anthropology, literature, cuisine and wine! To understand the man, let us visit his career.Born in 1949 in Seraing, near Liege in Belgium, the young Eddy quickly found his interest in fossils after he discovered brachiopods in the excavation made for the construction of a bridge in Esneux. His first fossils… and the beginning of a life-long passion for geology. During his childhood and teenage years, he used to search for fossils and minerals while on holiday with his parents, but also around Liege. In 1967, he entered the University of Liege to study geology (at that time ‘Geological and Mineralogical Sciences’) and learned from Prof. Belliere, Michot and Ubaghs among others. Four years later he presented his master’s thesis on Visean corals. His scientific career was not yet cast because militar

[1]  Bernard Mottequin,et al.  Kellwasser horizons, sea-level changes and brachiopod–coral crises during the late Frasnian in the Namur–Dinant Basin (southern Belgium): a synopsis , 2015, Special Publications.

[2]  M. Aretz,et al.  Belgian substages as a basis for an international chronostratigraphic division of the Tournaisian and Viséan , 2013, Geological Magazine.

[3]  J. Marion,et al.  Aménagement et préservation du patrimoine géologique en province de Liège (Belgique): les géosites d'Ampsin et des Tchafornis (Engis) , 2012 .

[4]  É. Poty Morphological limits to diversification of the rugose and tabulate corals , 2010 .

[5]  R. Swennen,et al.  Sedimentological and paleontological atlas of the Late Famennian and Tournaisian deposits in the Omolon region (NE-USSR) , 2010 .

[6]  Eddy Poty Late Devonian to Early Tournaisian rugose corals , 2010 .

[7]  J. Denayer,et al.  Facies and palaeoecology of the upper member of the Aisemont Formation (late Frasnian, S. Belgium): An unusual episode within the late Frasnian crisis , 2010 .

[8]  F. Devuyst,et al.  Upper Devonian and Mississippian foraminiferal and rugose coral zonations of Belgium and northern France: a tool for Eurasian correlations , 2006, Geological Magazine.

[9]  A. Lees,et al.  Dinantian lithostratigraphic units (Belgium) , 2002 .

[10]  F. Devuyst,et al.  Stratigraphie sequentielle du Dinantien type (Belgique) et correlation avec le Nord de la France (Boulonnais, Avesnois) , 2001 .

[11]  Eddy Poty Famennian and Tournaisian recoveries of shallow water Rugosa following late Frasnian and late Strunian major crises, southern Belgium and surrounding areas, Hunan (South China) and the Omolon region (NE Siberia) , 1999 .

[12]  E. Poty,et al.  Révision des tétracoralliaires caninomorphes de l'Hastarien (Tournaisien) belge , 1996 .

[13]  M. Dusar,et al.  Bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Dinantian in Belgium, a review , 1983 .

[14]  E. Poty Distribution stratigraphique des Tétracoralliaires et des Hétérocoralliaires dans le Viséen de la Belgique , 1983 .

[15]  E. Poty Paléokarsts et brèches d'effondrement dans le Frasnien moyen des environs de Visé. Leur influence dans la paléogéographie dinantienne , 1982 .

[16]  Maurice Streel,et al.  Foraminifères, spores et coraux du Famennien supérieur et du Dinantien du Massif de l'Omolon (extrême-orient soviétique) , 1982 .

[17]  E. Poty Contribution à l'étude des genres Lithostrotion et Siphonodendron du Viséen moyen belge , 1975 .

[18]  E. Poty Un nouveau tétracoralliaire du Viséen moyen de la Belgique : Corphalia mosae gen. et sp. nov. , 1975 .

[19]  E. Poty Contribution à l'étude du genre Dorlodotia et sa répartition stratigraphique dans le Viséen du bord oriental du bassin de Namur , 1975 .

[20]  É. Poty,et al.  Late Frasnian phillipsastreid biostromes in Belgium , 2007, Geological Society, London, Special Publications.

[21]  Laurent Barchy,et al.  Stratigraphie et sédimentologie des « calcaires à Productus » du Carbonifère inférieur de la Montagne noire (Massif central, France) , 2002 .

[22]  F. Tourneur,et al.  Carboniferous guide Foraminifera, corals and conodonts in the Franco-Belgian and Campine Basins: their potential for widespread correlation , 1990 .