Determining Traffic and Technical Characteristics of new Locomotives on the Railway Lines in the Republic of Croatia

The paper gives an overview of the existing condition of railway traffic on the critical sections of the Zagreb – Rijeka railway line. The transport demand and forecast of future traffic have been used to analyze the productivity of the operation of the rolling stock of traction vehicles and to give proposals for the replacement of the existing locomotives in several phases i.e. variants. Taking into consideration the change of the electric traction system on the Rijeka railway line the required number of vehicles for the operation is determined, vehicles for modernization proposed as well as technical characteristics of new electric locomotives that have to be purchased. U radu se daje pregled postojeceg stanja željeznickog prometa na kriticnim dionicama pruge Zagreb-Rijeka. Na temelju prijevozne potražnje i prognoze buduceg prometa analizira se produktivnost rada voznog parka vucnih vozila i daju prijedlozi za zamjenu postojecih lokomotiva u nekoliko faza odnosno varijanti. Vodeci racuna o promjeni sustava elektrovuce na rijeckoj pruzi određuje se potreban broj vozila za odvijanje prometa, predlažu vozila za modernizaciju kao i tehnicke znacajke novih elektricnih lokomotiva koje je potrebno nabaviti.