Most of the studies and reviews show that the amount of oil that can be extracted with primary drive mechanisms is about 20 – 30% and by secondary recovery can reach up to 40% but using modern enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques, recovery can reach up to 60 – 65%. These techniques of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) are essentially designed to recover oil commonly described as residual oil. The oil that cannot be extracted by primary recovery as well as secondary recovery techniques, this amount of recovery depends on the amount of oil produced from the primary recovery [1]. According to the Department of Energy U.S.A, the amount of oil produced worldwide is only one third of the total oil available. So by using the EOR techniques we will be able to produce more oil as the demand increase while we have a shortage in the supply. The project is research and experiment based on the advancement in enhanced oil recovery techniques, it aims reviewing the current used techniques and what are the advancements in these techniquesthat results in better production of oil. Experimenting (two of these techniques; direct carbon dioxide injection and WAG injection) and then comparing the laboratory results for the recovery through a series of laboratory experiments on core flooding and lastly the discussion on the obtained results.
M. A. Klins,et al.
Heavy Oil Production By Carbon Dioxide Injection
R. Grigg,et al.
A Literature Analysis of the WAG Injectivity Abnormalities in the CO2 Process
G. Thodos,et al.
Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques - State Of The Art Review
S. Thomas,et al.
The Promise And Problems of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
P. Gentil,et al.
Experimental Study of Tertiary Immiscible WAG Injection