VSK logic is a family of multi-modal logics for reasoning about t he information properties of computational agents situated in some enviro ment. UsingVSK logic, we can represent what is objectively trueof the environment, the information that isvisible, or knowableabout the environment, information the agent perceivesof the environment, and finally, information the agent actua lly knowsabout the environment. The semantics of VSK logic are given in terms of a general, automata-like model of agents. In this paper, we prove compl eteness for an axiomatisation ofVSK logic, and present correspondence results for a number of VSK interaction axioms in terms of the architectural propertie s of the agent that they represent. This completeness proof is novel in that we a re able to prove completeness with respect to the automata-like semantics of th e formalism. We give an example to illustrate the formalism, and present conclusio ns and issues for further work. Topic Area: Logics for Practical Reasoning
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