Solute modelling in catchment systems
Partial table of contents: OVERVIEWS. Overview of Solute Modelling (J. Ball & S. Trudgill). Basic Principles of Frequently Used Models (P. Warfvinge). WEATHERING AND SOILS IN SOLUTE MODELLING. Biogeochemical Modelling of Small Catchments Using PROFILE and SAFE (H. Sverdup, et al.). Methods for Modelling Solute Movement in Structured Soils (A. Armstrong, et al.). ECOSYSTEM PROCESSES IN SOLUTE MODELLING. Predicting Nitrate Concentrations in Small Catchment Streams (M. Whelan, et al.). Interactions of Ecosystem Processes and Weathering Processes (M. Velbel). HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDROCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN SOLUTE MODELLING. Soil Water Isotopic Residence Time Modelling (P. Unnikrishna, et al.). Isotope Tracers of Water and Solute Sources in Catchments (C. Kendall, et al.). SOLUTE MODELS. Linking Mixing Techniques to a Hydrological Framework--An Upland Application (A. Robson, et al.). Contaminant Transport Component of the Catchment Modelling System SHETRAN (J. Ewen). MODEL UTILITY. Catchment-Scale Solute Modelling in a Management Context (M. Newson). Appendix. Indexes.