Analyzing How Millennial Generation Implement Pancasila Value in Modern Era
Introduction: Industrial revolution 4.0 in the current era of globalization plays an active role in the modern era in Indonesia. The influence of increasingly advanced technology affects the millennial generation as the nation's next generation to make Pancasila the basis of the State or the foundation of a State. In addition, the millennial generation has begun to shift the guidelines of life from Pancasila so that the appreciation of Pancasila values is starting to disappear along with the development of the times and in line with the progress of Science and Technology (IPTEK). If this continues, then the values of Pancasila will be replaced by a new ideology that will cause behavioural changes in society. Purpose: this study aims to provide the proper application to millennial life using Pancasila values, knowing the behaviour of the millennial generation towards the implementation of Pancasila values, and making Pancasila a way of life. Methods: the method used in this research is Literature Review and takes sources from journals published in 2019 to 2021 related to the Pancasila theme and the millennial generation. Results: the study results show that with the existence of Pancasila as the ideology and principle of the State, it is expected to strengthen the attitude and nature of the community in accepting things outside the norms that exist in Indonesia. In addition, the younger generation is expected to be able to apply Pancasila values along with the development of science and technology in the modern era and current globalization. The research question is how to make the millennial generation implement Pancasila in life in the contemporary period and what solutions can continue to instil Pancasila values in the 4.0 industrial revolution. Recommendation: the conclusion drawn is that Pancasila can become a unifying tool for the nation if the current generation or millennial generation still desires to maintain its values , even though they are in a modern era and many influences from its outside cultures. Limitation: the limitation of this research is not getting all the data directly from the source. The researcher recommends using primary data for the following study to ensure its truth and accuracy better because the researcher directly obtains it.
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[2] Sonny Eli Zaluchu. Metode Penelitian di dalam Manuskrip Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan , 2021 .
[3] Devi Anggraini,et al. Pengamalan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Bagi Generasi Milenial , 2020 .