Making Space Defense Work: Must the Superpowers Cooperate?
Circle number 93 on Reader Service Card different subject. Specifically, in his preface Bowler states "I have restricted myself to those aspects of the subjects which I regard as established and likely to stand, regardless of developments in the future." Accordingly, the approach is phenomenological with a strong emphasis on the properties of the fundamental quarks and leptons and their interactions. Although it is the most recent of the three, Bowler's book really occupies a place between two other books that also grew out of courses in particle physics. The first is Introduction to High Energy Physics by Donald H. Perkins, which uses a traditional or historical approach. This book starts with accelerators and detectors and then proceeds through invariance principles and conservation laws to hadronic interactions, the static quark model, electromagnetic and weak interactions, the quark-parton model, QCD and finally unification. The second is Modern Elementary Particle Physics by Gordon Kane, which presents the standard model of electroweak interactions plus QCD. It begins with three generations of fundamental quarks and leptons and the Lagrangian describing their interactions; explores the phenomenology of the gauge bosons (W and Z); and proceeds to QCD, accelerators and detectors, mesons, baryons, deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering and recent developments, such as speculation beyond the standard model. I suspect that theorists generally will prefer Kane's approach as it is logically more coherent, and it emphasizes the intellectual as opposed to historical development of the subject. A drawback to this approach is that it presents the standard model as having appeared, fully grown and fully armed, out of the brow of Zeus. It fails to give a true picture of how progress is actually achieved in high energy physics, and it creates the impression that there are no false starts, no blind alleys and no incorrect results. The uninitiated thus hears nothing about the split A2, the high-y anomaly, monojets, Regge poles, R parity and so on. Unfortunately, in a short course (and in a correspondingly brief book), time and space do not permit exploration of the once popular but now generally discarded or disregarded ideas. Bowler has rather cleverly avoided this problem by gearing his material toward the past development of our current understanding of the standard model, but he does not present this development as canonical. The crucial role played by experiment at every stage in the process is always before the reader. Moreover, some of Bowler's explanations are real gems of clarity and precision. I especially enjoyed the development of SU(2) and isospin in Chapter 11. If I have any criticism of this book, it is the order of presentation. It might make more sense to precede the discussion of the development of the quark model with an explanation of charge independence and SU(2), to proceed via the introduction of strangeness to SU(3) and then to SU(3)-color. All this should be done before introducing quarks, color forces and so on. In general this is a good book, suitable for a short course in highenergy physics, with the emphasis on short. The amount of material presented is significantly less than that presented in Perkins's and Kane's books, either of which would be more appropriate for a one-semester course for first-year graduate students. Nevertheless, there is a real niche for Bowler's book at the advanced undergraduate level, and I recommend it. ALEXANDER FIRESTONE Iowa State University