On the Nature of Foam. V. Phase Inversion and Foam Formation of Emulsion Consisting of Acetic Acid, Benzene, and Water

(1) The heterogeneous region of the system consisting of acetic acid, benzene and water (ABW) is divided into three regions A, B and C, referring to the type of emulsion produced by two different modes of shaking. Systems in region A or B produce water-in-oil or oil-in-water emulsion respectively, whatever the mode of shaking, and those in region C occasionally produce both types of emulsion according to the two modes of shaking. The region C is called the phase inversion zone by shaking. (2) Some systems of this phase inversion zone behave both foamy and non foamy according to the two different modes of shaking. The existence of such foam-nonfoam system is restricted in a portion of the phase inversion zone which at the same time forms a portion of foamy region of heterogeneous system of ABW. (3) The difference in nature or behaviour between two possible types of emulsions produced by one and the same system was compared in details, and its discussions were made.