SRF theory based grid interconnected Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) system with improved power quality

This paper presents the concept of interconnection of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) power generating system using Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) theory based control in indirect current control mode of operation. This proposed theory improves the power factor and voltage at point of common coupling (PCC). Voltage at PCC is maintained through reactive power compensation. The whole power generating system consists of SPV system, dc-dc boost converter, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage source converter (VSC), ripple filter, different types of loads, interfacing inductor and three phase grid. This system eliminates harmonic currents and load balancing is also possible using it. The grid-interconnected SPV system is tested for two modes i.e. unity power factor mode of operation and voltage regulation mode, with load balancing problems of linear loads.