Geographic Logic In Line Generalization

The logical problems faced by a geographer who generalizes linear symbols on a map are the same whether traditional or computer methods are used. One must recognize that there are a great many lines on the earth's surface, some of which were created by natural processes while others result from the economic, political or social activities of man. Geographic logic requires that these earth lines, when plotted on a map, should be recognizable representations in terms of symbolization and shape. Furthermore, geographers must understand that the generalization process shortens the length of linear symbols and moves them in geographic space. Critical or characteristic points should be selected so that the flow and position of the line is maintained. Le geographe qui generalise les symboles lineaires d'une carte affronte des problemes logiques identiques, que les methodes, utilisees soient traditionnelles ou automatisees. Nombreuses sont ces lignes qui parcourent la surface du globe : certaines sont issues de p...