Operational level decision aids with LG-based tools

The LG approach permits a game representation of the Engagement Theater in two modes, called the planning mode and the execution mode. The planning mode assumes that the computations are to be performed well before the actual engagement and thus a sophisticated (but slower) planning component of the LG hypergame is to be activated. On the planning stage, the emphasis is on the following. 1) distributing the battlefield resources to optimize some battlefield related criteria. Important optimization criteria are battlefield related, ones such as probabilities to achieve desired ends and survivability of the friendly forces; 2) developing of preliminary strategies for the commander to achieve certain desired end; 3) playing several what if situations to develop alternative strategies. Whereas the COA options for the resource distribution game could influence the COA options for selection of the preliminary and alternative strategies, the strategies are used to validate the effectiveness of the resource distribution, thus creating a feedback loop tying together the resources and battlefield actions. On the execution stage, the emphasis is on protecting the commander from possible errors caused by the information blizzard. The commander could have so many things on his/her mind that some negative consequences of a COA being decided upon may be overlooked. A faster execution version of the LG-based tool is intended to catch the undesired consequence and warn the commander.