Boundary Layer Climates.

This modern climatology textbook explains those climates formed near the ground in terms of the cycling of energy and mass through systems.

[1]  R. J. List Smithsonian Meteorological Tables , 2018, Nature.

[2]  George R. Blake,et al.  Thermal Properties of Soils , 1950 .

[3]  P. F. Scholander,et al.  Body insulation of some arctic and tropical mammals and birds. , 1950, The Biological bulletin.

[4]  Effectiveness of orchard heaters , 1951 .

[5]  R. Legget,et al.  Soil Temperatures in Water Works Practice , 1952 .

[6]  Harry O. Buckman,et al.  Book Reviews: The Nature and Properties of Soils: A College Text of Edaphology , 1952 .

[7]  G. Yamamoto On the Radiation Chart. , 1952 .

[8]  John E. Vehrencamp,et al.  Experimental investigation of heat transfer at an air‐Earth interface , 1953 .

[9]  Air pollution aspects of the London fog of December 1952 , 1954 .

[10]  H. Landsberg Bioclimatology of Housing , 1954 .

[11]  L. Irving,et al.  The Metabolism of Some Alaskan Animals in Winter and Summer , 1955, Physiological Zoology.

[12]  M. Budyko The heat balance of the earth's surface , 1958 .

[13]  S. Hemmingsen,et al.  Energy metabolism as related to body size and respiratory surfaces, and its evolution , 1960 .

[14]  Walter M. Elsasser,et al.  Atmospheric radiation tables , 1960 .

[15]  P. E. Waggoner,et al.  C. Plastic mulching: principles and benefits. , 1960 .

[16]  Studies on the temperature control of glasshouses. I , 1961 .

[17]  E. W. Hewson,et al.  Some Restrictive Meteorological Conditions to be Considered in the Design of Stacks , 1962 .

[18]  V RAYMOND,et al.  [Atmospheric pollution]. , 1962, La Presse medicale.

[19]  I. F. Long,et al.  The plant and its environment , 1964 .

[20]  G. Bartholomew The roles of physiology and behaviour in the maintenance of homeostasis in the desert environment. , 1964, Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology.

[21]  P. A. Sheppard,et al.  Long-wave radiation from clear skies , 1964 .

[22]  D. M. Gates Radiant Energy, Its Receipt and Disposal , 1965 .

[23]  G. Stanhill Observations on the reduction of soil temperature , 1965 .

[24]  C. H. Wood Atmospheric Pollutants , 1965, Air Quality, Third Edition.

[25]  J. Griffiths Applied climatology: An introduction , 1966 .

[26]  D. J. Avery The Supply of Air to Leaves in Assimilation Chambers , 1966 .

[27]  C. Jackson,et al.  The Climate near the Ground , 1966 .

[28]  C R Underwood,et al.  The solar radiation area of man. , 1966, Ergonomics.

[29]  A. G. Davenport,et al.  The relationship of wind structure to wind loading , 1966 .

[30]  F. Hannell,et al.  VARIATIONS OF TEMPERATURE WITHIN A SOIL , 1966 .

[31]  G. Weller,et al.  The measurement of radiative and conductive heat transfer in ice and snow , 1967 .

[32]  Van Straaten,et al.  Thermal Performance of Buildings , 1967 .

[33]  W. E. Reifsnyder Forest Meteorology: the Forest Energy Balance , 1967 .

[34]  T. J. Chandler absolute and relative humidities in towns , 1967 .

[35]  Comparaison du rayonnement solaire en ville et à la campagne , 1968 .

[36]  B. J. Garnier,et al.  A Method of Calculating the Direct Shortwave Radiation Income of Slopes , 1968 .

[37]  R. Barry,et al.  Atmosphere, Weather and Climate , 1968 .

[38]  M. Solomon,et al.  The Measurement of Environmental Factors in Terrestrial Ecology. , 1969 .

[39]  J. F. Clarke A meteorological analysis of carbon dioxide concentrations measured at a rural location. , 1969, Atmospheric environment.

[40]  Ray D. Jackson,et al.  Thermal radiation from the atmosphere , 1969 .

[41]  R N Cox,et al.  Aerodynamics of the human microenvironment. , 1969, Lancet.

[42]  M. Neiburger the role of meteorology in the study and control of air pollution1 , 1969 .

[43]  Environmental appraisal: oxidants, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen. , 1969, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association.


[45]  G. Stanhill,et al.  Some results of helicopter measurements of the albedo of different land surfaces , 1970 .

[46]  H. H. Lettau,et al.  Physical and meteorological basis for mathematical models of urban diffusion processes. , 1970 .

[47]  The radiation budget of a forest canopy , 1970 .

[48]  J. W. Ramsey,et al.  Thermal Environmental Engineering , 1970 .

[49]  Norman J. Rosenberg,et al.  Effect of Windbreaks and Soil Water Potential on Stomatal Diffusion Resistance and Photosynthetic Rate of Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris) 1 , 1970 .

[50]  G. H. Belt Weather and Life-An Introduction to Biometeorology , 1970 .

[51]  R. G. Semonin,et al.  METROMEX: an Investigation of Inadvertent Weather Modification , 1971 .

[52]  J. Martsolf,et al.  Temperature distribution under radiation frost conditions in a central Pennsylvania valley , 1971 .

[53]  R. Steadman Indices of Windchill of Clothed Persons , 1971 .

[54]  T. Oke,et al.  The urban boundary layer in Montreal , 1971 .

[55]  Man and his environment : climate , 1971 .

[56]  Climate and Energy Exchange on a Sub-Polar Ice Cap in Summer. Part C. On the Katabatic Winds Over the North-West Slope of the Ice Cap. Variations of the Surface Roughness, , 1971 .

[57]  W. Rouse,et al.  A test of the potential accuracy of the water-budget approach to estimating evapotranspiration , 1971 .

[58]  J. B. Stewart The albedo of a pine forest , 1971 .

[59]  Solar radiation variability on the floor of a pine plantation , 1971 .

[60]  A. Thom,et al.  Essentials of Meteorology , 1972 .

[61]  M. Nunez,et al.  Surface albedo at a tower site in Lake Ontario , 1972 .

[62]  C. Priestley,et al.  On the Assessment of Surface Heat Flux and Evaporation Using Large-Scale Parameters , 1972 .

[63]  E. B. Kraus,et al.  Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction , 1972 .

[64]  F. G. Carey Fishes with warm bodies. , 1973, Scientific American.

[65]  L. Olsson,et al.  Detailed Mesometeorological Studies of Air Pollution Dispersion in the Chicago Lake Breeze1 , 1973 .

[66]  T. Oke City size and the urban heat island , 1973 .

[67]  Samuel J. Williamson Fundamentals of air pollution , 1973 .

[68]  Daily Spatial and Secular Variations of Atmospheric Humidity in a Small City , 1973 .

[69]  J. Hayward,et al.  Thermographic evaluation of relative heat loss areas of man during cold water immersion. , 1973, Aerospace medicine.

[70]  G. Alexander 9 – HEAT LOSS FROM SHEEP , 1974 .

[71]  W. Hess Weather and climate modification , 1974 .

[72]  B. Heinrich Thermoregulation in Endothermic Insects , 1974, Science.

[73]  G. Henderson,et al.  Land Use and Water Resources , 1974 .

[74]  Energy balance studies in coniferous forests , 1974 .

[75]  T. Oke Review of urban climatology 1968-1973 , 1974 .

[76]  W. Brutsaert On a derivable formula for long-wave radiation from clear skies , 1975 .

[77]  M L Collis,et al.  Thermal balance and survival time prediction of man in cold water. , 1975, Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology.

[78]  I. Angular distribution of incoming radiation , 1975 .

[79]  M. Nunez,et al.  Estimating global solar radiation , 1975 .

[80]  K. Hage Urban-Rural Humidity Differences , 1975 .

[81]  Long‐wave radiation at the ground. II. Geometry of interception by slopes, solids, and obstructed planes , 1975 .

[82]  W H White,et al.  Formation and transport of secondary air pollutants: ozone and aerosols in the St. Louis urban plume. , 1976, Science.

[83]  T. Oke,et al.  The Energy Balance of an Urban Canyon , 1977 .

[84]  Paul R. Lowe An Approximating Polynomial for the Computation of Saturation Vapor Pressure. , 1977 .

[85]  D. H. Male,et al.  Melting of a Prairie Snowpack , 1978 .

[86]  L. Fritschen,et al.  Environmental Instrumentation , 1979, Springer Advanced Texts in Life Sciences.

[87]  W. James Shuttleworth,et al.  Has the Priestley-Taylor Equation Any Relevance to Forest Evaporation? , 1979 .

[88]  Richard Lee,et al.  Forest Microclimatology , 1979 .

[89]  I. R. Calder,et al.  Land-Use and Upland Water Resources in Britain - a Strategic Look , 1979 .

[90]  Robert G. Fleagle,et al.  An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics , 1980 .

[91]  Douw G. Steyn,et al.  The calculation of view factors from fisheye‐lens photographs: Research note , 1980 .