The Internet of the Future, 15th Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2009, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-9, 2009. Proceedings

Technical Session 1: Traffic Engineering for the Internet.- Quantifying the Uncertainty in Measurements for MBAC.- Ring Flushing for Reduced Overload in Spanning Tree Protocol Controlled Ethernet Networks.- A Distributed Exact Solution to Compute Inter-domain Multi-constrained Paths.- Technical Session 2: P2P and Multimedia.- Classification of P2P and HTTP Using Specific Protocol Characteristics.- Network Awareness in P2P-TV Applications.- Enhancing Progressive Encryption for Scalable Video Streams.- Technical Session 3: Advanced Applications for Next Generation Networks.- Characterizing User Groups in Online Social Networks.- Route Prediction on Tracking Data to Location-Based Services.- Context Aware Programmable Trackers for the Next Generation Internet.- Technical Session 4: Future Internet Architectures and Models.- The Metalist Model: A Simple and Extensible Information Model for the Future Internet.- On Designing for Tussle: Future Internet in Retrospect.- NIT: A New Internet Topology Generator.- Technical Session 5: Pervasive Wireless Networks and Protocols.- Resource Allocation in MIMO-OFDMA Wireless Systems Based on Linearly Precoded Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes.- On the Influence of Packet Scheduling on the Trade-Off between System Spectral Efficiency and User Fairness in OFDMA-Based Networks.- RSSI-Based Forwarding for Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks.- Technical Session 6: Innovative Algorithms for Network-Related Problems.- A Pipelined IP Address Lookup Module for 100 Gbps Line Rates and beyond.- Comparative Study of Multicast Protection Algorithms Using Shared Links in 100GET Transport Network.- Implementation and Evaluation of the Enhanced Header Compression (IPHC) for 6LoWPAN.- Technical Session 7: Disruptive Technologies for Future Services.- Primary Transmitter Discovery Based on Image Processing in Cognitive Radio.- A Flexible Framework for Complete Session Mobility and Its Implementation.- A Model-Driven Approach for Telecommunications Network Services Definition.- Technical Session 8: Traffic Analysis.- Detecting Spam at the Network Level.- Consistency Analysis of Network Traffic Repositories.