The atmosphere of Neptune : an analysis of radio occultation data acquired with Voyager 2

The vertical structure of Neptune's atmosphere is studied on the basis of recordings of the tracking signals received from Voyager 2 during its occultation by Neptune. The measurements began at a planetographic latitude of 62 deg north and ended near 45 deg south, and cover an altitude interval of about 5000 km. The 1-bar isobaric surface has equatorial and polar radii of 24,766 +/-15 km and 24,342 +/-30 km, respectively, and a corresponding oblateness of 0.0171 +/-0.0014. At this pressure, the temperature was 72 +/-2 K. The tropopause was detected approximately 40 km above the 1-bar level at a pressure of about 100 mbar. A comparison with IR observations indicates that the gas at the tropopause consists of 78-84-percent hydrogen by number density with the rest being mostly helium. The temperature in this region was 52 +/-2 K.