Exploring the Challenges
This chapter addresses how new challenges are asking for new applications of information and how enterprise information management (EIM) can address them. It also reflects on past treatment of data and points out how EIM could have improved some sample business scenarios. An organization that has an EIM program will exhibit an understanding of data as the fuel of the enterprise. Whereas other organizations might view data as a lubricant, making local processes better, or targeting specific business targets, the EIM enterprise makes sure that the data asset is recognized as a key component for success. EIM means a change in the data/content business environment. The change in environment can be likened to the difference between football and soccer. Most businesses and other types of organizations currently operate information technology (IT) and Information Management under a general football mind-set. The techniques and methods of IT are based on the perceived need for reconciliation and negotiation. Business users are the offense and IT is defense. They communicate, but never play together. Each team may score, but never together. And great practice and discipline is required separately for each squad to get it right. Most of the processes in place in the current information environments in organizations are to get the two teams to communicate, but by definition, they don't want to. EIM is the step beyond that.
[1] N. Carr. IT doesn't matter , 2003, IEEE Engineering Management Review.
[2] L. Mosley,et al. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century , 2005 .