Production management model integrating the principles of lean manufacturing and sustainability supported by the cultural transformation of a company

The search for superior production performance has been used by companies to overcome competition in the current global economic scenario. Efficient manufacturing connected to environmental initiatives provides a company with favourable conditions for maintaining uniform and continuous improvement in its competitive performance, while providing operational versatility to respond quickly to volatile markets. As production is one of the most expensive areas for a company, many organisations have sought a new management model for their production system that provides substantial productivity gains, cost saving opportunities and higher customer satisfaction. This study proposes a model of production management and an implementation method integrating the principles of lean manufacturing and sustainability, supported by cultural transformation at the company. Its objective was to achieve productivity gains and improvements on customer satisfaction, as well as develop the ability to provide quick responses to market changes in a globalised economy. The implementation of the proposed model should be gradual, initially addressing fundamental principles, and should operate simultaneously with, and in the same environment as, workforce development and organisational transformation initiatives, to create sustainable improvements.

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