From Lab to Space and Back to Earth - DLR's Activities in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

This is a guided tour of DLR's research and development work in hyperspectral imaging. It starts at our laboratories, including the Calibration Home Base (for characterization of HS instruments), an underwater environment simulator (for absorption and fuorescence studies of cyanobacteria) and feld spectrometers. One of the drivers of DLR's HIS activities are the missions DESIS, launched 29 June 2018, and EnMAP. The current status of the instruments and the ground segments will be presented and - most probably - first DESIS data will be shown. During the last years a suite of HS analysis algorithms has been developed at DLR, from unmixing, denoising, de-clouding and sharpening to classifcation. They are based on sparsity and low-rank properties and/or employ deep learning, but may also be physics-based. A potpourri of representative results will be shown - from urban mapping through water remote sensing. Finally, a large-area benchmark dataset for the fusion of multispectral and hyperspectral images taken by our HySpex and 3K sensors will be presented.