An optimal Mars Trojan asteroid search strategy

ABSTRACT Trojan asteroids are minor planets that share the orbit of a planet about the Sun andlibrate around the L4 or L5 Lagrangian points of stability. Although only three MarsTrojans have been discovered, models suggest that at least ten times this numbershould exist with diameters >1 km. We derive a model that constrains optimal skysearch areas and present a strategy for the most efficient use of telescope survey timethat maximizes the probability of detecting Mars Trojans. We show that the Gaiaspace mission could detect any Mars Trojans larger than 1 km in diameter, providedthe relative motion perpendicular to Gaia’s CCD array is less than 0.40 arcsec persecond.Keywords: methods: numerical – methods: observational – minor planets, asteroids:general – planets and satellites: general – celestial mechanics 1 INTRODUCTIONTrojan asteroids are minor planets that share the orbit ofa planet about the Sun and librate around the L4 and L5Lagrangian points of stability. The L4 and L5 points are 60