Comparison of EKF, pseudomeasurement, and particle filters for a bearing-only target tracking problem

In this paper we consider a nonlinear bearing-only target tracking problem using three different methods and compare their performances. The study is motivated by a ground surveillance problem where a target is tracked from an airborne sensor at an approximately known altitude using depression angle observations. Two nonlinear suboptimal estimators, namely, the extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the pseudomeasurement tracking filter are applied in a 2-D bearing-only tracking scenario. The EKF is based on the linearization of the nonlinearities in the dynamic and/or the measurement equations. The pseudomeasurement tracking filter manipulates the original nonlinear measurement algebraically to obtain the linear-like structures measurement. Finally, the particle filter, which is a Monte Carlo integration based optimal nonlinear filter and has been presented in the literature as a better alternative to linearization via EKF, is used on the same problem. The performances of these three different techniques in terms of accuracy and computational load are presented in this paper. The results demonstrate the limitations of these algorithms on this deceptively simple tracking problem.