노년층의 체육활동 실태 분석 및 정책 대안

This study analyzed the actual condition of elderly’s daily participation in physical activities, the reason of participation, and demand for the participation in the activities to suggest prospective policies for activation of physical activities for the aged people, utilizing ‘Fact-finding Research with Participation in 2012 Sport for All’. The result of study were as follows: The first, the elderly who participated in the physical activities more than 3 times a week in 2012 occupied 30% and more than 5 years occupied over 50%, but non-participants were 49.3% in the people of 60 years old and 57.2% in the people of 70 years old. The second, the people aged more than 60 years highly satisfied in using physical training facilities, participating in programs, and having benefits from instructors, but they had lack of experiences of the physical training facilities, programs, and instructors. The third, the demand for expansion of the physical facilities from the elderly was analyzed to be very high, and their preferences were particularly in public sports facilities and all kinds of welfare facilities.