The development of a Family Caregiver Cancer Education Program.
Recent years have seen an escalating trend toward early discharge of hospital patients, resulting in increasing numbers of patients being cared for at home by family members. Fear and anxiety concerning the well-being of the patient, the inability to provide adequate care, the cost of cancer treatment, and the anticipation of emotional stress are major factors that can contribute to the difficulty of this transition.
The Family Caregivers Cancer Education Program has been funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Cancer Control Program to address these issues. This program encompasses education and support for caregivers as well as the Local Instructor Course to provide nurse and social worker teams with materials, information, and support to offer the caregiver course within their areas. Focus groups were conducted to determine course content.
Participant evaluations demonstrate that caregivers who attend the course feel less overwhelmed and better able to cope with the caregiver experience.