The Magnetic Investigation of Cu-Butyrate Monohydrate and Cu-Stearate

The magnetic susceptibilities of Cu-n butyrate monohydrate, Cu-stearate and Cu-acetate monohydrate were measured in the temperature range from 90°K to the room temperature. The energy of exchange interaction J between the cupric ions Cu ++ in the nearest neighbour sites were evaluated from the observed values and the relation χ m =(0.125 g 2 / T )·[1+(1/3)exp (+ J / k T )] -1 . The magnitude of J -values thus obtained were J Cu-butyrate =430±150°K, J Cu-stearate =485±15°K and J Cu-butyrate =430±15°K. And it seems that the g-value of Cu-stearate is somewhat larger than the value of Cu-acetate monohydrate.