Experiments on Colour
IN a former paper with the above title (NATURE, vol. iii. p. 234) I described some combinations of absorbing media capable of transmitting the red and green, while stopping the other rays of the spectrum. In this way I obtained a purely compound yellow, made up of red and green, and free from homogeneous yellow light. In devising such combinations we terre in the first place to seek an absorbing agent capable of removing the yellow of the spectrum, while allowing the red and green to pass. For this purpose I used an alkaline infusion of litmus, or solution of chloride of chromium, placed in a strong with parallel glass sides. In order to stop the blue rays we may avail ourselves of chromate of potassium. If a second trough be not objected to, it is best to use the bichromate, as exercising the most powerful absorption updn the upper end of the spectrum; but the bichromate cannot be mixed with litmus without destroying the desired action of the latter upon yellow. In this case we must content ourselves with the neutral chromate.