Sysiphe, an airborne hyperspectral system from visible to thermal infrared

SYSIPHE is an airborne hyperspectral imaging system covering all atmospheric transmission bands from 0.4μm to 11.5μm: visible, NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR. The ground sampling distance is 0.5m over a 500m swath, with higher resolution available in the visible and NIR. The imaging system, developed by Onera and Norsk Elektro Optikk, is flown on a Do-228 aircraft operated by DLR. The SYSIPHE system may also integrate a real-time processing capability developed by FFI and a ground post-processing chain, the STAD, developed by Onera. The main information products are georeferenced images of spectral radiance, spectral emissivity and reflectance as well as a surface temperature map. The system has completed its first flight campaign successfully in 2013. A qualification campaign for Defence needs was done during the summer 2015. SYSIPHE represents a significant enhancement of airborne sensing capabilities in Europe. The system will be made available soon to external users.