Student Recommendations for Discussions Boards: Conclusions of Student Problems.

This paper discusses comparisons of student comments and analysis of comments from a face-to-face course with Web-enhancements, a video-based, hybrid course with Web-enhancements and a Web-based course. In order to provide student problem-solving participants both individual and personal experiences (and attitudes) concerning the use of course discussion boards, an assignment was designed to teach students the fundamentals of discussion board use in combination with a course assignment. In all three course delivery formats (face-to-face, video-based/hybrid and Web-based), course materials and communication tools were provided, using the WebCT course management program. Results are summarized for each step in a fivestep problem-solving process that is a variation of reflective thinking, including: defining the problem; analyzing the problem; determining criteria; generating solutions; and evaluating solutions. Suggestions are offered for maximizing student preparation, involvement, learning and satisfaction with a course discussion component. (MES) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Student Recommendations for Discussions Boards: Conclusions of Student Problems