Who Knows Where You Are, and Who Should, in the Era of Mobile Geography?

AliSI'RAC'l·: Persona/ local i<» ι der ices (PLl)s) combined with mobile communication der ices (MC'Ds) (mobile phones being one and the same thing) proride a powerful technology for location ser rices ai id a major challenge in terms of the ethics of their application. In this article we ash some prorocatire c/nestions about the use (and abuse) of persona/ location informalion. and discuss the ethical dilemmas by derelopiug scenarios of use and arailability of information from rarious points of view. IJ the location a} id communication der ices are linked to a third der ice the consequences could be the irorst kindof'geoslarery'. We present both the adrautages and disadrantages of location tracking by a third party and discuss what is required legally and technically to prerent misuse of personal location information.