Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan bobot kriteria kompetensi dan bobot penilai untuk menilai kinerja karyawan tetap bagian personalia dengan Analytic Network Process (ANP), dan menentukan peringkat kinerja karyawan berdasarkan kompetensi dengan metode 360 derajat. Hasil pembobotan dengan ANP didapatkan bobot kelompok kriteria keterampilan kerja sama dan menjaga kenyamanan lingkungan (0.438), kelompok kriteria kepribadian (0.291), kelompok kriteria keterampilan teknis pelaksaan tugas (0.151), dan kelompok kriteria keterampilan mengelola tugas (0.120). Hasil bobot penilai dari bobot tertinggi hingga terendah yaitu atasan langsung (0.320), atasan berikutnya (0.307), rekan kerja dari unit kerja yang sama (0.218), rekan kerja dari unit kerja yang berbeda (0.111), dan diri sendiri (0.044). Peringkat kinerja enam karyawan bagian personalia dari peringkat pertama hingga ketiga dengan kategori kinerja tinggi yaitu Su, Ba, Ma dan dari peringkat keempat hingga keenam dengan kategori kinerja sesuai standar yaitu It, Si, Nu. Kata kunci: analytic network process, metode 360 derajat, penilaian kinerja Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the weight of competency criteria and weight of appraiser to assess employee performance with Analytic Network Process (ANP), and determine the level of employee performance based on competence with 360-degree method. ANP weighting method showed that the weight value of job role environment skill competency group was 0.438, personality competency group was 0.291, task skills competency group was 0.151, and task management skills competency group was 0.120. Moreover, appraiser weight calculation showed that the weight value of direct supervisor was 0.32), next supervisor was 0.307, co-worker from same unit was 0.218, coworkers from different units was 0.111, and themself was 0.044. The performance level of six employee of human resources department from the first level to the third with high performance category was Su, Ba, Ma and from the fourth to the sixth with adequate performance category was It, Si, Nu. Keywords : 360-degree method, analytic network process, performance appraisal