Image-Specific Classification With Local and Global Discriminations

Most image classification methods try to learn classifiers for each class using training images alone. Due to the interclass and intraclass variations, it would be more effective to take the testing images into consideration for classifier learning. In this brief, we propose a novel image-specific classification method by combing the local and global discriminations of training images. We adaptively train classifier for each testing image instead of generating classifiers for each class with training images alone. For each testing image, we first select its ${k}$ nearest neighbors in the training set with the corresponding labels for local classifier training. This helps to model the distinctive characters of each testing image. Besides, we also use all the training images for global discrimination modeling. The local and global discriminations are combined for final classification. In this way, we could not only model the specific character of each testing image but also avoid the local optimum by jointly considering all the training images. To evaluate the usefulness of the proposed image-specific classification with local and global discrimination (ISC-LG) method, we conduct image classification experiments on several public image data sets. The superior performances over other baseline methods prove the effectiveness of the proposed ISC-LG method.

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