E-mentoring System Development using ARCS Motivational Strategies

An e-mentoring system is an online tool that enables interactive mentoring between a mentor and a mentee, regardless of place and time differences. This paper discusses the system design of an e-mentoring system for Malaysian orphans, called MyMentorMentee.com. The design of MyMentorMentee.com is an adaptation of Keller's ARCS Motivational model and uses its motivational elements to provide an effective mentoring experience for each session. A (attention), R (relevance), C (confidence) and S (satisfaction) are the four components of the ARCS motivational model. Keller’s model provides techniques for solving the motivational problems faced by a learner during the learning process. The purpose of MyMentorMentee.com is to study how an e-mentoring system can overcome the motivational challenges faced by orphans which were identified during the preliminary study. Among these are personal issues and learning issues. The system was developed to help mentor and mentee to carry out the mentoring session using alternative (web-based) way at anytime and anywhere. The system that we have designed has 4 modules: personal profile, text messaging, mentoring schedule, and personal video chat. All modules were evaluated using quantitative and qualitative techniques.