Control, estimation and optimization of energy efficient buildings

Commercial buildings are responsible for a significant fraction of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and worldwide. Consequently, the design, optimization and control of energy efficient buildings can have a tremendous impact on energy cost and greenhouse gas emission. Buildings are complex, multi-scale in time and space, multi-physics and highly uncertain dynamic systems with wide varieties of disturbances. Recent results have shown that by considering the whole building as an integrated system and applying modern estimation and control techniques to this system, one can achieve greater efficiencies than obtained by optimizing individual building components such as lighting and HVAC. We consider estimation and control for a distributed parameter model of a multi-room building. In particular, we show that distributed parameter control theory, coupled with high performance computing, can provide insight and computational algorithms for the optimal placement of sensors and actuators to maximize observability and controllability. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the approach. We also discuss the problems of design and optimization (for energy and CO2 reduction) and control (both local and supervisory) of whole buildings and demonstrate how sensitivities can be used to address these problems.

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